
Teade: Palverännak Vadstenasse

1.-4. maini toimub Rootsis palverännak Vadstenasse. Palverännak Alvastrast ja kulgeb läbi Borghamni, Bjälbo ja Skänniga Vadstena kloostrisse püha Birgitta hauale.

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Pilgrimage to Skänninge and Vadstena (Sweden)

1-4 of May, 2008

Maria – Queen over the Nordic Land

After previous years great success we continue the tradition on the Ascension-weekend to walk under the banner of Our Blessed Lady to beautiful Vadstena – the center of Catholicism in Scandinavia!

Thursday 1 of May: Alvastra: Holy Mass in the Alvastra ruins. This Cistercian Abbey was founded in 1143 by munks from Clairvaux. Bishop Fellay (SSPX) celebrated Mass here in 2002. We then walk through the National Park Omberg and follow the path by the lake Vättern to Borghamn, where we will spend the night at Borghamns hostel
Walking distance the first day is about 10 km.

Friday 2 of May: We head for Birger Jarl’s famous parish church Bjälbo kyrka (12th. c.) where Holy Mass will be celebrated in the afternoon. Bjälbo where we will spend the night, is considered by some scolars as the cradle of the Swedish nation. We lodge at the local hostels. Walking distance the second day is about 25 km.

Saturday 3 of May: We walk to Skänninge where the Holy Mass will be celebrated 9 a.m., followed by brunch. Skänninge was a dominican center in the mideval days with two monastaries. In 1248 a big council concerning northern Europe was held in Skänninge, led by the cardinal Willhelm of Sabina.
On the way to Vadstena we stop for prayers at the ruins of St. Ingrid’s convent; St. Ingrid founded Sweden’s first convent for Dominican contemplative sisters in the 13th. c.
We will arrive in Vadstena the afternoon. On the way we will pass two medieval churches.
We arrive in Vadstena in the afternoon. Scandinavia’s consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary will be renewed infront of St. Bridget’s relics. In the evening we will have our final dinner together. We will lodge in the nice hostel of the Pilgrim’s Centre and at Vadstena Boarding school.
Walking distance the third day is about 12 km.

Sunday 4 of May: Missa Cantata at 8.30a.m. in the Blue Church. After Mass we will eat breakfast together. This will be the end of the pilgrimage where we say goodbye to new and old friends.

Additional information:
– A lunchbox is needed for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. There are foodstores in Skänninge.
– We will sleep in hostels, so everyone has to bring sheets or sleeping bag. If you have a mat or airbed, please bring it, as it might be needed for at least one night.
– The luggage will be driven by minibus, aswell as tired pilgrims.
Cost: 3 night’s bed&breakfast and 3 dinners for only SEK1000 (about £75) p.p. (camping in tents you bring yourself is SEK500). Deadline 1st of April. All registrations are binding! You pay at arrival in Alvastra. The number of beds are limited. First come, first served!

For more information, questions and registration:
Videos from last years pilgrimage:
S:ta Birgitta et S:ta Ingrid – orate pro nobis!